Two years ago I founded Blue Dot Wealth Management.  I wanted to create a different environment that was client centered and forward thinking.  It has been an exciting two years and, truthfully, has been the most fulfilling couple of years in my career.  Starting the firm has allowed me to focus on the genuine partnerships I have with my clients, many of whom I consider to be close friends.  I continue to be humbled that I get to help people plan for their future and the future of their families and businesses.

We are growing in good ways and as a result, this past year we have given purposeful thought to the experience that we want our clients to have.  Our goal is to continue to streamline our processes as much as possible in order to deliver consistently excellent service and meaningful conversation.  Sometimes this means that we have to take a step or two back because of regulatory and industry changes to put a new process in place.  Market risk and volatility have made their way back into our conversations, so we have added new risk based tools.  All of this will mean adding new staff so in the coming months. I will be making introductions to you as we integrate new members to the team.  We are in the middle of re-organizing our website to provide you easier navigation as well as more information and meaningful content.

I included our Mission Statement as part of my letter last year.  I want to expand on that and share the foundation of the firm’s philosophy.  When I was growing up, my family camped over a good portion of Arizona and Southern California.  We were taught to always leave our campsite cleaner than when we had found it.  While I know my brother and I grumbled from time to time that we were picking up other people’s trash, I always felt a sense of pride in leaving only footprints when we finish.  As an Infantry soldier, it was instilled in me that we are only as strong as the weakest among us.  We succeeded as a team.  It was our duty to lift those up that needed help.  These lessons embody everything that I want our firm to represent.  Our clients are better off for working with us and we are better off for serving them.

Our approach to the planning process keeps these values at the top of what we do.  We collaborate with our clients and help them to plan for the risks we know they may encounter.   Our investment methodology will always be data driven.  We focus on value, meaning we look for growing companies that are at a reasonable price.  We look for companies that have a track record of doing the right thing through their corporate governance structure, environmentally, and socially.  Companies that do right by their employees and their community typically return more value to their shareholders over time.  In other words, we believe a good business is a better business.

No person can embark on this kind of journey alone.  I would like to thank my wife Regina in general but specifically for proof reading letters like these.  She helps reign in my streams of thought and is certainly my better half.

Thank you,


Blue Dot Wealth Management believes that we can all leave the world a better place than how it was left to us.  We will help our community by building an organization built on respect for the individual and an understanding of the social contract that binds all of us together.  Our purpose is to be an advocate and fiduciary for our clients and friends.  We are humbled by the responsibility and trust that our clients place in us.  We help our clients identify the values that are important to them and design a financial plan that meets the goals for themselves, their families, and their community.  In this way, we help make our community and our world a better place for succeeding generations.